Leonie and Tarloch were really concerned about the well- bein of the volunteers, and also Donald was there to help when it was needed. It was my first trip to Africa and also my first trip on my own, so I was really excited about it and a bit ensecure if I would manage. But when I arrived here I felt at home and didn’t wory any more about anything.
The people at the lode were really nice. In the evening we had dinner together and talked about our days and played games or watched the Big Bang Story. On Tuesdays we went to movie night in town and on Thursdays we went to via via with a part of the group. We also celebrated a birtday of one of the volunteers and we went together to small restaurants in town. It was the best time of my life.
At my the centre where I worked I learned how to change diapers in the African way. When I managed to change diapers on myself the nannies and I were celebrating and hugged and danced and I felt really welcome there.
Asante Sana Leonie, Tarloch & Donald.
Florine, 21 years old, The Netherlands.